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Personal Data



 •Name: Satoshi INOUE  (井上 諭) 

 •Nationality: Japanese

 •Home town: Ikoma-si, Nara Pref.

 •Date of birth: 1978 December 26

 •Marriage state: married (wife x 1, son x 1)

 •Affrication: Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research(CSTR), 

​                      New Jersey Institute of Technology(NJIT), USA

 •Job title: Assistant Professor

 •Research Interest: Solar & Astrophysical plasma physics



•Bachelor of Science, Hiroshima University, Japan, 2001

•Master   of Science, Hiroshima University, Japan, 2003

•Doctor   of Science,  Hiroshima University, Japan, 2006

 PhD thesis: "Simulation Study on Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Flux Tube in the Solar Corona” 

 Supervisor: Prof. Kanya KUSANO


•2005-2006: Research student : Japan Agency Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)

•2006-2008: Postdoctoral Fellow : Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University

•2008-2009: Postdoctoral Fellow : Japan Agency Marine-Earth  Science and Technology(JAMSTEC)

•2009-2011:  Expert Researcher : National Institute ofInformation and Communications    

                     Technology (NICT)

•2011- 2014:  International Scholar: Kyung Hee UniversitySchool of Space Research, Korea  

•2015-2015:  Postdoctoral Fellow: Solar Terrestrial-Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University 

•2015-2016:  Humboldt Reserch Fellow: Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany

•2017-2020:  Designated Assistant Professor: Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research

                     (ISEE)Nagoya University

2020-2021:   Cooperating Research Fellow:Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research

                     (ISEE)Nagoya University

2021-            Assistant Professor, Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research (CSTR), New Jersey

                     Institute of Technology (NJIT), Assistant Professor (Department of Physics) 


Awards or Fellowships

• 2011-2014  International Scholar Fellowship from Kyung-Hee University, Republic of Korea

• 2015-2016 Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researcher from Humboldt Foundation, Germany

• 2022-2027 CAREER Award from National Science Foundation, United States (Press Release)


​United States

2024-2029:NASA, AI Powered Solar Eruption Center (SEC) of Excellence in Research and

                     Education, Co-I (PI: H. Wang), $4 999,648.46

2023-2026:NSF, High-Resolution Observations and Studies of Solar Eruptions Using the 

                    1.6-meter Telescope in Big Bear, Co-I (PI: W. Cao), $4,638,788.00

2023-2026:NASA, Investigating the Causes of Successful Solar Eruptions, Co-I (PI: J. Jing),

                     $515, 741.00

• 2022-2025:NSF, Collaborative Research: Study of Flare Producing Active Regions with Highest

                     Resolution Observations and Data-based Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Modeling,

                     Co-I (PI: H. Wang), $305,598

• 2022-2024:NSF, REU Program  (PI: H. Kim). Website

• 2022-2027:NSF, CAREER: Novel Data-Based Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Solar      

                     Eruptions", PI: S. Inoue, $842,846.00. Details are here.

• 2021-2024:NASA, Investigation of Active Region Evolution Leading to Solar Eruptions Using    

                     High-Resolution Observations and MHD Simulations, Co-I (PI: J. Jing), $669,675.00



2017-2020: MEXT as "Exploratory Challenge on Post-K Computer" (PI: J. Makino)

                      Environmental Variations of Planets in the Solar System

• 2015-2020: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Area, MEXT, Japan (PI: K. Kusano)

                      Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction (PSTEP)


• 2024 (Fall)       : NJIT,  Classical Electrodynamics (E), For graduate students

• 2024 (Spring)  : NJIT, Physics 444-002 (E), Fluid and Plasma Dynamics for undergraduates          


• 2023 (Fall)       : NJIT,  Classical Electrodynamics (E), For graduate students

• 2023 (Spring)  : NJIT, Physics 111 (E), For undergraduate students

• 2022 (Fall)       : NJIT,  Classical Electrodynamics (E), For graduate students

• 2022 (Spring)  : NJIT, Physics 111 (E), For undergraduate students

• 2021 (Fall)       : NJIT, Physics 111 (E), For undergraduate students

• 2017-2021       : Daido University, Mechanics I  (Spring semester), Faculty of Engineering (J)

                          : Daido University, Mechanics II(Fall semester), Faculty of Engineering (J)

• 2014-2014       : Kyung Hee University (Korea), Research in Solar System I(Spring Semester),

                            School of Space Science (E)


  Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS), Japan Geoscience  

  Union (JPGU), The Astronomical Society of Japan(ASJ), American Geophysical Union (AGU)

  Peer Review Service

  Nature Astronomy, Nature Communications, The Astrophysical Journal, The Astrophysical  

  Journal Supplement, The Astrophysical Journal Letter, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Solar  

  Physics, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), Frontiers of Solar and Stellar Physics

  (One of Editional Bords), Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics.



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