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Dr. Satoshi INOUE

                               Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research,

                                 New Jersey Institute of Technology 

                Address :   323 Martin Luther King Blvd. Newark, NJ 07103-3537, USA

                E-mai      :  Satoshi.Inoue at  (at->@ )   
                Office    :  Tiernan Hall 423C,  TEL :  973-642-4059

This is Dr. Satoshi Inoue's Web Site. I study solar plasma physics. My primarily interests are numerical modelings of the solar coronal magnetic fields, solar flares and CMEs, and nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics of solar plasma, and also astronomical plasma. I received Ph.D. degree from Hiroshime University. After experiences of several years in Japan, Korea and Germany, I am leading Solar MHD Group at Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research (CSTR), New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

as an assistant professor of Physics Department. 

​If you are interested in working with me as a graduate student, please feel free to contact me ! 

​Prof. Gauss and prof. Weber@ Göttingen, Germany

​Discussion? with drinking!


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                                    Recent Activities

April 8-12 2024

Dr. Liu, Dr. Monga, and Ms. Roddanavar gave oral presentations in TESS 2024 held in Texas.


December 11-15 2023

Dr. Inoue and Dr. Liu gave oral and poster presentations in AGU 2024 held in San Francisco. 


  Recent Research Activities


【Paper published by ApJ (Inoue et al.) 】(March 2023)

Our latest paper "An Evolution and Eruption of the Coronal Magnetic Field through a Data-driven MHD Simulation" (by S. Inoue, K. Hayashi, & T. Miyoshi) has been accepted from The Astrophysical Journal.  We developed a new data-driven MHD simulation code and tested the performance using the ground-truth data that cover the energy storage and release process of the solar coronal magnetic field.  We confirmed that our new code produced the ground-truth data well! 


【Research published from ApJ Letter (Inoue et al.) 】(Feb. 2023)

A paper "A Comparative Study of Solar Active Region 12371 with Data-constrained and Data-driven Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation" (by S. Inoue, K. Hayashi, J. Jing, & H. Wang) was published from The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 



【Research published from ApJ (Yamasaki et al.) 】(June 20 2022)

Our group paper "A Data-constrained Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the X1.0 Solar Flare of 2021 October 28" (by D. Yamasaki, S. Inoue, Y. Bamba, J. Lee, & H. Wang) has been published from The Astrophysical Journal.  Congratulations Daiki, and thank you very much for your effort! 


  Research Heilights


Dr. Inoue received the prestigious Faculty

Early Career Development (CAREER) Award

from the National Science Foundation. The team (PI, Postdoc researcher, Graduate student) engages in novel data-based MHD simulation of solar eruptions. This project started from February  1 2022 and will run for 5 years. Read more...


Kusano, K., Ijyu, T., Bamba, Y., &

Inoue, S​2020, Science 

Inoue, S., Kusano, K., Buchner, J., & Skala, J.  2018

Nature Communications.

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